What is Creativity Coaching?

What is Creativity Coaching?
Creativity coaching helps both the aspiring and more experienced writer bust through roadblocks they are facing in their creative works. Often, we artists get bogged down in our usual practices. Sometimes we isolate ourselves in our work. Soon, we feel the pangs of writer’s block, or even worse, the lack of inspiration to write at all.
We have all been there…
How does one break out of this rut? A creativity coach can help a writer analyze both their strengths and weaknesses to put them back on the path to creating.
Need help generating work or working through personal blocks? A mini-boot camp or month-long boot camp can supercharge your writing. Registration for both the March Mini-Camp and April National Poetry Writing Month are open now! Register at https://inspiringmuses.wordpress.com
One-on-one mentor is available on a private basis. I can help you work through your blocks through email or messaging. I can also evaluate short shorts, giving you the strengths and weaknesses in a piece. Interested in one-on-one coaching? Contact me directly at inspringmusesblog@gmail.com for more details.